Often the world provides laughter in my life, unfortunately the laughter emitted is more so at the world rather than with the rest of the world. Now I'm not sitting upon a self-erected perch or pedestal because I don't claim to be better than the world but I thoroughly enjoy playing the side view and watching the world from seclusion. So today I sat on the roof and listened to the sounds of the world below... children helping adults reclaim the innocence and carefree attitudes that were lost with puberty and bills... elderly people enjoying the blessing of seeing another day and spending it with their loved ones... and somewhere in between lies my generation and unfortunately we've been afflicted with the Boo-Platonic Plague. Our women appear to be in a rush to be somebody's, hell damn near anybody's boo. Our men caught up trying to manipulate that thin line between lovers and friends, "...let's be platonic in public but let me have the benefits in private". What is hilarious about this, is that women and men execute these contradictory desires by carrying out similar processes. Well wait its not hilarious actually its rather angering because I'd rather both sides just fess up and be honest about what we are doing to each other and what we are doing behind each other. I think that as maturing young adults, my generation, is well aware of the games we have played and the games that have been played on us.
My concern is for the general happiness and well being of the young people I hear cursing and hating one another in the middle of the night, for the young women and men who have grown to hate college dating (shit dating PERIOD), for the man or woman that feels trapped and stuck in a relationship wishing they could turn the clock back and change it all around... but more importantly my main concern is for every child who has the unfortunate distinction of being born into such relationships and situations, shouldering the burden of being the only reason parents communicate. To think something as simple as the truth, an honest statement, might not garnish the desired outcome but would prevent so many undesired outcomes. We spend so much time trying to outsmart one another and display this facade of goodness, trustworthiness, and honesty... both sides know we're full of shit, its sad. Any man would be stupid to believe women don't already know, that in most cases we do approach because her physical is appealing. But we stand there and say everything else but the truth... all the sudden what was just a nice ass or nice breasts at first glance becomes beauty as the conversation begins. All the sudden if she simply entertains a males pursuit she's mad cool, she's a lady, and all he's thinking about. Ahhhhh, yet women eat that shit up and feed into it knowing what the truth is. Hell most women won't even admit that the many times the reason she entertains a males approach is because he looked like his body might be on point, his dress was nice, or she saw what car he drove up in, oh wait I almost forgot... he bought a drink LOL.
So all those things turn into he's such a sweetheart, his approach was unique, and he made me laugh. AAAND we as men eat that shit up as well. Other side of that is that women would be stupid to think that 100% of the time she is approached it is for her physical. Contrary to popular belief there are a lot of men in the world who can recognize wolf in sheep's clothing, a lump of coal with a pretty bow, and false advertisement... and yes we have standards. Sadly as men we are not given enough credit for having standards, thus women's self standards have dropped ridiculously. There isn't a day that passes since I've been home that I don't realize how much the abundance of successful, ambitious, and down right gorgeous women I met and saw everyday in college spoiled my perception of the options I had available out in this world. Its shameful and this lack of credit combined with the falsified visage put forth betwixt the sexes only augments the disparities we've created. I just sit and think about all the wonderful women and men who spent years in horrible relationships accepting the drama and hurt they never deserved and all the women and men who are doing so right now. Merely because they were lied to and helped those lies become reality by being dishonest to themselves and yeah sometimes people are just great liars and pull the hood over the eyes of others... but I find it hard to believe someone can be a great liar for 2+ years without ALOT of help on their partners behalf. Can't help but to think about the children who grow up living in such environments listening to their parents degrade one another on a nightly basis, The children who only spend time with one parent at a time or never see their parents truly happy to be around one another, and the children who come of age and realize they were accidents and mommy or daddy really didn't want them but the other convinced them otherwise.